Drunk with beautiful thoughts

Today I am letting go of all my doubts about the future. I trust that I am on the right path and going in the right direction. There’s nothing holding me back or standing in my way. My dreams are just waiting for me to reach out and claim them. I am ready for the future.

Several times when I am asked if what I do is synchronized with my passion, the answer is “NO”. But is that bad ? The answer to that is also “NO”. Coming from a conservative family, I always knew I have to obey my parents and do everything to please them. I restricted myself because of all the restrictions placed upon me. I couldn’t move out of town for further studies. Hence, I had to choose another profession. While pursuing chartered accountancy which i clearly didn’t want to , there were umpteen question marks, uncertainties and never ending apprehensions. With all of that, there was one thing which was constant, a true, strong and a genuine belief of trusting my own self. There were plethora of things I didn’t know, there are still zillion other things I don’t know. But that is okay ! It’s absolutely okay. Breathe.

When I started indulging myself into craft activities, I asked myself if it was something that “I was meant to do”, the answer was “maybe, who knows” but then was it an opportunity I couldn’t have missed, the answer was “Hell yes” 6 months down the line , if you ask me if I am happy? The answer is “hell yes”. But again, is this my passion? “I don’t know”.

To all the people out there who are struggling to find their passion, please know that the word “passion” is overrated. In the course of doing that, don’t let those open doors shut, don’t let those opportunities walk away, be hungry for happiness and keep finding satisfaction in dissatisfaction.

Published by Thelisteningwall

"I stopped telling myself that I'm lost, I'm not, I'm on a road with no destination, I'm just driving with hope that I'll find a place I like and I'll stay there. I'm not lost, I'm on my way."

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